Hello beautiful Soul,

I am so glad you are here. Not just on my page but in this world! Over the last few years, I have discovered what a blessing it is to be alive right now, right here as we get to collectively experience this miracle we call life. Your being here is against many MANY odds, generations of men and women we will never know had to overcome unthinkable situations for your ancestral line to survive so you could be born. Isn’t that just incredible?

So, let me say it again: I am so incredibly grateful that you are here!

Maybe you have been looking for answers to questions yet unasked, you may be taking stock of your life, your health might trouble you, or you simply are trying to start a new chapter and don’t quite know where to begin. I know sharing these thoughts is not easy - I have been there and still am in some ways. The aim here is not to be “fixed” but to feel better and to enjoy the journey of discovery along the way.

Health and Wellness Support

As a trained nutritional therapist I have been working with many clients for many years. On the functional testing side, I specialise in blood reports but I am also familiar with hormonal testing, Microbiome (stool) tests, DNA and much more. Functional testing can be incredibly useful in focusing on someones health journey, pinpointing deficiencies and figuring out the root causes of the symptoms you might be experiencing.

However, that is just one aspect of health, additionally, we will spend some time speaking about your sleep, diet, lifestyle, as well as movement, your work and life environments and much more to create a very holistic picture of you. You are more than just your symptoms and looking at your body as a whole we can then start supporting it one step at a time. A wonderful gentleman client of mine once compared his health to a symphony and his body to the orchestra. To hear the beautiful music all the instruments have to play in harmony!

Your body wants you to get better, but sometimes it gets stuck in patterns or just needs a helping hand. What this may look like is as individual as there are stars in the sky. Most importantly, you will be my guiding star and together we will take each step - however small.

Intuitive Support

We now understand the strong gut-brain connection and how both systems have an immense impact on our health and well-being - physically and mentally. There is overwhelming evidence that adverse events that happened to us when we were children have a strong impact on our future health. In some ways, it rewires our brains and body functions which over time result in a world of symptoms, illnesses, mental issues and much more.

During my many consultations over the years, through my own personal experience and with all the amazing research available right now I have learned that health is so much more than some markers from a test, daily kale or those bottles of supplements we all have bought for one reason or another.

I invite you to see our session as a sacred place where you can allow yourself to be seen and to be heard. By telling your story out loud you unravel them like strings of fairy lights that got tangled. The act of being witnessed in this way is a powerful tool. Throughout our session will encourage you, guide you, support you but most importantly hold space for you as you start writing new stories in the next chapter of your life.

If the above resonates let’s have a chat. You are welcome to book a 15-minute complimentary Discovery call with me to explore the next steps.

I am happy for the opportunity to meet with you.